Resources - Hex Concrete


When to Bring XYZ Reality onto Your Construction Projects

Inspecting Steel 2

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While innovation within the construction industry has made many of the processes more efficient, the fact remains that contractors still spend up to 30% of their time on a project doing rework – fixing the mistakes that occurred during the course of construction. Additional work means it’s going to take more time and money than originally budgeted to complete a project.

Through the use of engineering grade augmented reality™ (AR) we’re delivering a new solution that can minimize human error, resolve coordination issues, and create accountability throughout the construction process. AR brings a 3D model to life, projecting a digital visualization of a building onto an active jobsite within 3-5mm precision – producing objective information that can be actioned immediately. In success, we build it right, the first time.

So when should XYZ be brought onto a project?

GOOD: During Construction (when it’s time to get back your project back on schedule)

If you’re working on a mission critical project, like a data center (or any construction project for that matter), the likelihood that you’ll experience a delay is almost a guarantee. Being certain about what’s causing the delays isn’t always as clear, though, and that’s where XYZ comes in. As your costs begin to trend higher than originally budgeted, XYZ has proven to give greater visibility into a current project and identify what the issues are so they can be corrected and make the necessary modifications to your schedule.

In one example of XYZ being used on a data center project in Ireland the company was able to analyze the project’s progress and determine that while the contractor reported a 32% completion it was actually only 10% complete and 2 weeks off schedule.

BETTER: During Pre-Construction (before you’ve broken ground)

XYZ makes it possible for builders to build it right, the first time – reducing the chance for errors & clashes and keeping mission critical projects on budget and on schedule. While bringing on new technology at this stage of a construction project would require budget adjustments, the benefits outweigh the changes as the reduction of rework costs and change orders will keep your project moving forward. Preventing rework also helps avoid needing to use contingency budgets – improving overall profitability.

BEST: During Project Initiation (at the planning stage)

While implementing XYZ at any stage of your mission critical project will improve your project’s outcome, the ideal time to start working with XYZ is during the preconstruction phase as you’re thinking about budgets and selecting partners for the project. In most cases XYZ can eliminate the need for “reactive” solutions like laser scanning, and the need for additional human capital resources like third-party engineers. Owners understand the complexity of mission critical projects and want to minimize errors while maximizing control, and working with XYZ before a project starts ensures that you’re placing an emphasis on project delivery and costs.

Ready to experience the future of mission-critical construction? Request a live demo of the XYZ Reality Platform today and witness the power of AR technology in action. See how we're reshaping the industry one project at a time.


On tile

XYZ Reality
