Resources - Concrete Yellow


Construction Rework Eats Budgets

Construction rework eats budgets

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Construction projects are often plagued by error and rework. This can be a costly and time-consuming problem that affects project schedules, budgets, and quality.

The impact of rework can be severe, leading to project delays, increased costs, and even legal disputes. It is estimated that the industry wastes up to $625 billion per year globally on rework.

To combat rework, several tools have been developed, such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), Quality Management Systems (QMS), Lean Construction and Augmented Reality (AR). These tools help to identify potential issues before they become problems, improve communication between stakeholders, and streamline project workflows.

The effort to build it right, first time is worth it because it can lead to increased efficiency, improved quality, and reduced costs. When project teams prioritize quality from the beginning, they can avoid the need for rework and deliver projects on time and within budget.

In the future, processes and practices that minimize rework will become increasingly important. Specifically, Engineering Grade ARTM is transforming the construction industry, enabling project to be delivered on time, on budget and to the highest standards.

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AB 2023

Adam Brown