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10 Best Project Management Software For Architects In 2023

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Coordination for architects is key to achieving project goals and milestones. Effective collaboration, communication, and task management are vital for success, and project management software can significantly help in this regard.

This article will explore the best project management software platforms for architects to improve planning, communication, and the implementation of deliverables.

The best project management software for architects

With so many software platforms available on the market, it can be difficult to know which one will be best suited to your needs. Platforms should have specialized features and tools geared towards streamlining design and architecture workflow processes.

Along with project management software, consider making use of another kind of technology: XYZ BIM, which allows you to more efficiently manage your designs and improve workflows. The XYZ BIM Viewer makes overseeing issues in design, creating, and visualizing easier. Architects benefit from enhanced construction workflow management and increased transparency through greater project visibility.

Without further ado, here are the best project management software platforms for architects:


Wrike is a platform best suited for mid-size and enterprise organizations. It focuses on collaboration, planning, management, and task completion.

Wrike is most known for its functionality customization, which include dashboards for discussion. It has a built-in tracking tool so decision-makers can determine how time is being used and how they can reallocate their resources to work towards project completion.


Basecamp is a project management tool mainly used for communication. It functions much like an internal communication tool, with features for document management, file storage, and task management.

Its main draw is its hill chart functionality. This feature allows teams to identify issues, bottlenecks, and risks to reduce the need for project rework.


Asana is a platform that can be used by architects to break more complex projects down into smaller visual parts.

Tasks and subtasks can be created with set due dates, and tasks can be put en route for approval. Teams can keep track of project progress and report on workloads.


Notion is a software that comes with templates and content that can be customized to suit project requirements. Members can view their tasks in lists, tables, and boards—or they can use their own formats to fit their preferences.


Taimer assists architects in their CRM tasks, particularly in project management, accounting, and business. It comes with task management features that help with architectural processes for construction projects. has a set of tools that focus on automating repetitive project tasks, such as tracking and reporting data. Saving time and working more efficiently are, after all, crucial for the success of projects, and automation can play a part in doing so.


TeamGantt has resource, workload management, and collaboration features.

Specific features include time tracking, in-software communication, at-a-glance workload views, and more. However, these features are limited, making this software less ideal for more complicated projects.


Mosaic can be used in project planning and tracking to assist in project and resource management, showing what team members are doing at any given time.

Understanding project progress can allow for a better understanding of a team’s capacity to balance tasks accordingly. Mosaic comes with AI-powered suggestions to assemble projects to suit the skill sets, availability, and capacity of team members.


Teamwork focuses on team collaboration and project planning within its platform using tools like project reporting and forecasting. The software, however, can be challenging for first-time users, so it may take some time to master its tools to move projects forward to completion.

The right software ensures successful project completion

The use of project management software is crucial to help architects design, collaborate, and track the progress of their tasks to contribute to projects being finished on time and within budget. While there are various available options on the market, architects should consider choosing one carefully for more seamless workflows.

In addition to project management software, architects should look into other solutions that will improve how they go about their day-to-day tasks. Learn more about how the Atom™ headset and XYZ BIM can benefit your next project by booking a demo today!
